QRPlaza Schulkarte - Fordern Sie Ihren Gutschein

  Öffentliche Karten

  Fordern Sie Ihren Gutschein

Mit einem Klick auf die Schaltfläche unten können Sie einen kostenlosen Gutschein beantragen, um 60 Schulkarten zu generieren.
Sie können dann entscheiden, ob Sie jpg-Karten erstellen möchten, damit Sie diese per E-Mail, soziales Netzwerk, WhatsApp oder PDF-Dateien zum Drucken generieren können.

Nach dem Ausfüllen des Formulars erhalten Sie per E-Mail einen Coupon zur Erstellung Ihrer School Cards.
Sie können Hintergrund, Texte und Inhalte der QRPlaza School Cards nach Aktivierung des Coupons festlegen.
Der Inhalt der QRPlaza School Cards kann immer in Echtzeit aktualisiert werden.

QRPlaza Cards: die größte Erfindung seit dem Papier.
  Fordern Sie Ihren Gutschein
Hinweise: Um den erforderlichen Coupon einzugeben und per E-Mail zu erhalten, müssen Sie sich bei QRPlaza.me registrieren oder anmelden.

 Schulkarte Video Tutorial

QRPlaza Schulkarte

QRPlaza School Cards allow you to share multimedia insights on the topics of your lessons using video contributions (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion) digital presentations (Slideshare), audio (Soundcloud), photos and videos (Flickr, Twitter), and even uploading personal files, etc...
Each QRPlaza School Card is unique and can be customized in real time with original contents.
Students will have access to multimedia content linked to each card directly from their smartphone or tablet without the need for login.

Students who want to comment on the content on the QRPlaza School Cards will be able to do so soon after registration and login to QRPlaza.

Lessons in this way become truly interactive and professors and students will share all the updates on a particular topic.
Any subject that will have access to the Card will be able to view the card contents and adds personal comments and insights on the topics discussed.

You can choose to associate any QRPlaza School Card with any content you want and edit or update them in real time.

Here are some of the key innovations of QRPlaza School Cards:

1. Each School Card has a unique code (Qr-code) + PIN, which allows the teacher to associate the School Card with his profile QRPlaza
2. Each School Card can be customized with text messages, audio (Soundcloud), video insights (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.), user-recorded audio / video messages, photographs, personal files (doc, zip , pdf, xls, ppt), etc.
3. Maximum Customization: Each School Card can be personalized at any time - a single Card with unlimited multimedia messages that can be editd and updated in real time
4. Sharing Teamwork: Possibility to Share the School Card with classroom pupils in paper format or with students and teachers of other schools in digital format. Possibility to share the contents of the School Card with other teachers registered at QRPlaza
5. Reading Notification: reading email notification on reading School Card code
6. Date of validity: Possibility to decide on the expiration date of the School Card
7. Number of Views: The owner of the School Card can decide on a maximum number of views
8. Security: School cards can be protected by password, only those who have the password can read the message
9. Readability: To read messages associated with the QRPlaza School card you do not need any registration required only if you want to add your own comments
10. Paper or digital format: QRPlaza School cards are available in paper and digital format (pdf/jpg) and can be easily shared on social networks, via Whatsapp or by email

Note: photograph the codes on the right with your smartphone to see the QRPlaza School Cards become alive...

To read the QR-code on the cards we recommend the App I-nigma, available for iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile.

 Promo video

 QRPlaza Cards: wie funktioniert das

QRPlaza School Cards samples

Schießen die Codes unten aufgeführt Seite mit Ihrem Smartphone, um zu sehen die QRPlaza Grußkarten lebendig werden...

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