Everywhere! With QRPlaza.me not have boundaries, you can meet new friends and create new relationships anywhere in the world.
QRPlaza.me is the first platform of international communication without barriers, based on random interactions, on proximity, on common passions, on the places where I go, on the products I purchase.

If you shoot with your Smartphone the QRcode of a person next to you this he will come into your QR-room, a sort of virtual room, where you can interact with 'your new friend' directly.
You can sign in QRPlaza.me without coming from a QR-code reading or shooting a QRPlaza.me code reported on some our partner's product, simply by entering your access parameters to one of the major Social Networks. That's all!

With the revolutionary concept of 'brand room' you can talk and communicate with new friends in QRPlaza.me, just for the fact of purchasing products of the same brand, having attended the same places, have participated in the same events.

QRPlaza.me will also create new relationships for you, by standing close to potential new friends to communicate. Imagine an infinite chessboard full of people and the opportunity to interact with the people next to you, with your same passions, attending the gathering places that you love, without knowing them directly and to transfer them your thoughts.

Imagine all the faces of the world in a single place.
That would be great, is not it?

This is QRPlaza.me - the social of things!

What new friends will give you the chance? Let's see and Join now to QRPlaza.me - the social of things!
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